
Where do we use the most water and how can we reduce our water consumption?

According to Belgaqua, the average water consumption by Belgians is 95 litres per person per day. Consumption has declined over the last 20 years, partly because household appliances are now much more economical. But you too can make a major difference with a few points of attention!

Where do we use most water and how can we reduce our water consumption? 

You probably guessed it already: your toilet is one the main water consumers. In fact, one third of the water we use goes on flushing toilets. You can reduce this by fitting your toilet with a water saving button, which will cut down your consumption by a third! 

A shower toilet is another excellent money-saving option. Admittedly, your water consumption will be slightly higher but you will save a packet on toilet paper, making your set-up far more environmentally friendly and, in the end, also more economical!



Baths and showers come second in the water consumption ranks. The idea that a bath uses far more than a shower does not always hold true. A 10-minute shower will use as much water as a bath. The easiest solution it to fit a water-saving shower head.

A few minor changes when you're using the washbasin can make a world of difference: turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, this could save you 5 to 8 litres water a go. The same applies to shaving, washing your hands...

Also in the kitchen an awful lot of water goes to waste: when we're rinsing vegetables for instance. Tip: rinse your vegetables in a bowl and use that rinse water to water your plants. Capture the cold water that normally runs down the drain while you're waiting for your water to come up to the right temperature and use it for your plants... As to dishwashers: they definitely use relatively little water, especially when you use the ECO setting. And with modern-day dishwashers there is absolutely no need to pre-rinse your crockery for they do the job perfectly well without you wasting water unnecessarily.